Tuesday 26 May 2009

You're at the Front of the Queue..... Now What?

In a somewhat crowded marketplace how do you get noticed?

What do the following companies have in common?

1. Asa Candler did it for Coca -Cola.

In 1887 he bought the formula for Coca-Cola from its inventor John Pemberton and several other share-holders for $2,300. The success of Coca-Cola was largely due to Candler's aggressive marketing of the product.

2. Ray Croc did it for the Mcdonalds Food Chain.

Raymond Albert Kroc was an American businessman who took over the (at the time) small-scale McDonald's Corporation franchise in 1954 and built it into the most successful fast food operation in the world.

3. Earl Nightingale and Vic Conant did it for Nightingale Conant

The world leader in personal development for over 40 years! whose library has the most comprehensive selection of quality personal and business development products ........ on the planet.

4. Richard Branston did it for Virgin.

Sir Richard Branson isn’t just a guy with a beard and a penchant for sweaters, balloons and boat racing. He’s also the man behind one of the most successful brands in the world: Virgin. But then you probably knew that

Richard Branson is synonymous with Virgin – and this isn’t an accident.

5. Robin Barr did it for IRN-BRU

As well as being chairman, has held the prestigious post of chief Irn-Bru mixer. Only he, and one other unnamed individual, know exactly how to create "Scotland's other national drink".

AG Barr has skilfully built the Irn-Bru brand ever since the bright orange fizzy drink was first made in 1901; for some Scots, drinking Irn-Bru is a matter of national identity.

The answer to the question is quite simply .... they all applied a CONSISTENCY approach to develop their brand equity.

Or more realistically applied Consistency of Use.

Building your company brand requires two elements:

The identity itself and the consistency of its use.

Although it's true you could have a number different brands for different sections of your business but to be as effective as the above 5 examples they must relate back in a 'straight line' to the Parent company.

Once you’re happy with your corporate identity – business name and logo - make sure you use it everywhere!

Not just on your vehicle livery, business cards, stationery, envelopes, invoices, website, email, product packaging and other printed materials, but on ALL your marketing 'vehicles'.

Never miss an opportunity to promote your identity.

Salespeople have an expression “ABC – Always Be Closing.”

Marketers think a little differently, “ABS – Always Be Self-Promoting.”

Public Relations people go much further "AIM - Always Inform the Media."

According to Wikipedia - The study of brand equity is increasingly popular as some marketing researchers have concluded that brands are one of the most important and valuable assets that a company has.

LIVE the brand.

Quote of the day: "thousands of people saw the apple fall ....... but only Newton asked: "WHY?"

Working toward our joint success



Saturday 23 May 2009

Why Publish an eZine?

On the Internet, it is very possible to make money without selling any product. One way of doing so is through starting your own eZine, also known as an electronic newsletter.

In a nutshell, you send out your eZine issues on a periodical basis to your subscribers. The good part is that you have a flexible choice in automating the process of sending out your eZine issues for you or manually sending them on a periodical basis.

As an eZine publisher, not only can you easily achieve the benefits a conventional newsletter publisher enjoys without having to chop down several trees in the process, you can easily and conveniently spread your marketing influence and expertise to your base of subscribers from the shoes of an ordinary individual.

In other words, you do not have to invest in expensive printing equipment, brick and mortar business, and hiring staff just to run your own newsletter publication, resulting in a lot of time, money and effort saved.

Basically, all you need to start your own eZine are an auto responder and broadcast feature to go with, enabling you to reach out to your massive subscribers whom you can regard as your prospects, too.

Go to: http://www.GetResponse.com/index/translatescotland01



Friday 22 May 2009

For things to change....... You must begin somewhere!

"when the student is ready.....the teacher appears"

We have just had the honour of being selected as an Affiliate of Nightingale Conant -the world leader in personal development for over 40 years!

The Nightingale Conant library has the most comprehensive selection of quality personal and business development products ........ on the planet.

Personal Development means many different things to as many different people and from this moment onward we'll be with you every step of the way.

If we told you that we could help you to find direction in both your personal and business life, help you change, help you become the person you've always wanted to be and it would only cost you some time and a thousand pounds......you would say "Oh no! that's too much"

However, if we told you that all it would cost was a few hours a month and a few "pennies" wouldn't it then be worth it to make the investment in your personal and business success ?

If a journey of 1000 miles begins with.......just one step, when will you take that step ? If you want to change your life, then you must change. The good news that it doesn't take too long for that small step to make a big, big difference.

"An apple a day keeps the doctor away!" What if that's true!

One on One coaching sessions are available through our Platform for Change program within the Resource Centre for Entrepreneurs with your introductory session free of charge.

If you have an interest in any aspect of Personal or Business Development then give us a call or log in to our website and complete the form on our contact page and we will get back to you in a 'heartbeat'.



Saturday 16 May 2009

How to solve the problems of tomorrow.....TODAY!

In his book The Winning Attitude, John C. Maxwell, noted author and speaker tells us that attitude is:

The “advance man” of our true selves
Has inward roots but outward fruits
Is our best friend or worst enemy
Is more honest and more consistent than our words
Is an outward look based on past experiences
Is a think which draws people to us or repels them
Is never content until it is expressed
Is the librarian of our past
Is the speaker of our present
Is the prophet of our future

Whilst the above is true but absolutely pointless unless we can apply it to bring about changes in our attitude, or our willingness to try and think positively most of the time.

Our attitude affects many people - from our friends and family to the stranger we smile at in the supermarket or petrol station.

We should not put off our thoughts on positive thinking. It is said that 'an apple a day keeps the doctor away' ........... What if that's true?

'An optimist will see opportunity in difficulties, while a pessimist will see difficulty in opportunities'.

We must choose which of the above we will focus on: if we choose poorly, we condition ourself to a difficult uphill struggle to achieve our goals and be successful. Count on that.

Simply put.......... Good attitude - good results .......poor attitude - poor results and it naturally follows that if we have a great attitude then we will see great results.

So how do we begin to think positively if we’re a natural pessimist?

I don’t really believe there ARE natural pessimists, just people who have been taught how to consider the darkest side of every cloud, who let the dark in no matter what happens.

If they won they lottery they would be worried in case they lost the money rather than think positively on the changes it would make to their lives and of those around them.

We cannot change the fact that a problem exists, but we can do a lot to determine what the opportunity is within that problem. Begin to see that problems are a fact of life and that our job is to find a way over, around, under, or through them—as quickly as possible.

When we’re upbeat and consider how quickly a problem will be behind us, it’s easy to be optimistic.

Cynicism is another killer when it comes to attitude. It’s a cousin of pessimism—it considers everything suspect and everyone as having an ulterior motive. It never looks at someone doing us a favour just to be

nice, it always considers that there is a reason we are being done a favour and looks suspiciously at the motivation of the person who’s giving it.

Cynicism comes from having unrealistic expectations. Many people expect great and wonderful things to happen to them with little-to-no work on their parts. They expect things to fall from the sky in to their laps.

When it doesn’t happen as they expect, they become suspicious of others who have achieved success and ultimately, cynical.

We must harness the power of our thoughts and words when setting our course for success. Use positive affirmations daily: remind ourself that a stumbling block is temporary and that we can and will overcome it;

admit to ourself that we have potential and are able to move on when others cannot; redifining our vision for our life and our goals.

As we discipline ourself daily to do this, we will find optimism and positive thinking will soon be chasing us down the street. Negativity becomes a thing of the past.

And who couldn’t use these two friends when we’re aiming for success?


Quote of the Day: "If a man is after money, he's money mad; if he keeps it, he's a capitalist; if he spends it, he's a playboy; if he doesn't get it, he's a ne-er-do-well; if he doesn't try to get it, he lacks ambition. If he gets it without working for it; he's a parasite; and if he accumulates it after a life time of hard work, people call him a fool who never got anything out of life." Vic Oliver

Tuesday 12 May 2009

50 Benefits Of Joint Venture Marketing

What Is A Joint Venture?

A joint venture is an agreement in which two or more businesses work on a project for a set period of time.

Joint ventures can be long-term, like promoting a product together, or some can be short-term, like bartering (trading) products and services. Joint venture ideas are virtually endless.

The Benefits Of Joint Venture Marketing

1. You can build long lasting business relationships.
2. You can increase your credibility by teaming up with other reputable, branded businesses.
3. You can get free products and services.
4. You can construct most joint venture deals with little or no money.
5. You can gain new leads and customers.
6. You can get discounts on products and services.
7. You can save money on business operating costs.
8. You can beat your competition.
9. You can gain referrals from other businesses.
10. You can solve your business problems.
11. You can save valuable time.
12. You can get free and low cost advertising.
13. You can offer your customers new products and services.
14. You can survive a depression, recession or a slow economy.
15. You can save money by sharing advertising and marketing costs.
16. You can target other potential markets.
17. You can expand and grow your business quickly.
18. You can gain valuable information or skills.
19. You can increase and protect your cash flow.
20. You can find new profit outlets.
21. You can become rich and wealthy.
22. You can start almost any business at little or no costs.
23. You can get rid of your extra inventory.
24. You can reduce and eliminate your debts and avoid bankruptcy.
25. You can afford to sell your products at a lower price.
26. You can increase your opt in or ezine subscribers for free.
27. You can get your web hosting and design for free.
28. You can save money outsourcing your workload for free.
29. You can find hidden income streams.
30. You can exchange useless products for profitable ones.
31. You can create new business funding and credit lines.
32. You can reduce your taxes.
33. You can find and create new distribution channels for your products.
34. You can give your employees more raises, bonuses and benefits.
35. You can even trade non business stuff to improve your personal life.
36. You can increase your sales and profits.
37. You can send your ad to huge, targeted email lists at no cost.
38. You can eliminate employee hiring costs creating barter outsourcing deals.
39. You can build your customer or opt-in list for free.
40. You can build profitable alliances with other businesses.
41. You can learn insider information from other experts at no cost.
42. You can test your product for free.
43. You can out-sell other affiliates much easier.
44. You can increase the number of affiliates that sign up to your reseller program.
45. You can offer more bonus products and incentives to buy.
46. You can get highly credible endorsements and testimonials from other experts.
47. You can quickly increase your ezine subscribers.
48. You can offer your products at lower prices than your competition.
49. You can easily find new up sell and backend products to sell.
50. You can create products faster and with less effort.

These are only some of the benefits. They're endless!

Quote of the Day:

"If you know how to spend less than you get, you have the philosopher's stone." -- Benjamin Franklin

Warm regards,

John Wylie


Saturday 9 May 2009

8 Simple Steps to Improve Your Time Management

In the early 1920's Wallace D Wattles wrote that 'we don't get rich by doing certain things .....we get rich by doing things in a CERTAIN way'

Whilst that statement may benefit your income goals - the premise, if properly applied, will also help your time management goals.


There are 86,400 seconds in a day and you and I have to know how best to maximise their use in an effort to balance all we need to get through .....every day. Agreed ?

This article will take you about 300 seconds to read...so what are you going to do with all the remaining 'free' time ?

At some stage in both our personal and business careers we all fall foul to poor time management.The reasons may be unavoidable but are often a valuable prompt that we are letting things slide and need to readdress the issue.

If you are experiencing a problem with balance in time managment either at home or at work, there is a good chance that your problems may be caused by a difficulty in properly and prudently allocating your time. The good news, however, is that there are a number of steps that you can take to improve your time management.

In fact, 8 simple steps that you can take are highlighted below.

1 – Admit (at least to yourself) That You Have a Problem

Knowing that you have a time management problem is the first step in changing your behavior. Although it is typical to be late for work, or meetings and a social event on occasion, it is something that should not be happening on a daily or a weekly basis. If it is, it is time for you to realize that you may have address the issue.

2 – Decide To Change

Knowing that you have a time management problem is important, but wanting to change is even more important. You need to set goals for yourself, as these goals can help to provide you with a source of motivation. Sample goals include showing up to work on time for a whole month, being on time for all meetings or dinner dates, and so forth.

3 – Stick To Your Goals

Creating a number of time management goals for you to meet is advised, but it is important that you don’t give up right away or when you are faced with complications. Setting goals simply just isn’t enough, you need to stick with them and modify them to suit.

4 – Create Daily Task Lists

Creating a to do list for yourself is an easy way to properly manage your time. In fact, it is one of the easiest approaches that you can take. Outline what you need to do throughout the day. Be sure to list your tasks in order of importance and finish one task completely before moving onto the next.

5 – Rely On Time Management Tools

Properly managing your time is important, but it can be hard for many individuals to get used to, especially right away. If you are one of those individuals, you will want to consider using time management tools to your advantage.

Setting up a simple time schedule may go something like this......... (delegate where possible)

# Check your e mails at set intervals throughout the day and don't be tempted to have a quick look, as this will distract you from other important 'To Do' elements.
# Apply the same logic to making telephone calls to avoid any uneccesary distractions. Make all outgoing calls within a specific timeframe - where possible.
# If you regularily hold or attend meetings try to shedule them for afternoons, as you will be more relaxed, after you have all the 'important' tasks completed.
# Handle all pieces of mail or documents only once where possible, or if it is something which doesn't need to be done right away - place it in your 1 - 31 day file.

6 – Learn How To Say No

In all honesty, there are times where you may not be able to refuse a project at work or a task at home, but try to not take on more than you can accomplish. If you must, look into using outside help. In your business or the workplace, this outside help can come from another company, someone you met at a networking event or look at doing a skills exchange like..........you may be able to provide a service in return for whatever.

Rather than trying to do it all yourself - sometimes all you have to do is ......ASK!

7 – Get Organized

Organization is key to being able to properly manage your time. If you are disorganized, you are likely to waste a large amount of time. For example, in your office space you can waste time by searching for lost or misplaced documents. The same can be said for the home; if you are unorganized, you can spend hours searching for phone numbers or contact details etc.

8 – Consider Hiring Professional Help

As previously stated, if you are overwhelmed at home, you may want to call on a professional housecleaner or gardener or use the Supestore home delivery services it doesn't matter what tricks you use to free up more time.

There is no one size fits all solution, just find and use systems that are right for you and it can make such a difference in how you get through the day.
