Sunday 23 August 2009

Some Thoughts on 'Levelling' The Playing Field

Even though you may be a new start or small business doesn't mean you can't compete with the big guns and get all the leverage and visibility you need from external communications – a well thought out strategic approach to every contact you make with the media can help position you as 'lead dog' in your field even if you are on a tight budget.

Here's how and why...

Economics are important but it doesn’t take a lot of money to put in place these things I'm talking about here. It takes creativity; the desire to change/adapt... it takes such qualities as:

• Innovation (PR-otagonist confident to lead without authority)

• Inspiration (PR-edisposed to try out new ideas)

• Motivation (PR-agmatic with your time mangement)

• Imagination (PR-udent in your analysis of what is possible)

• Communication (PR-ecise in your selective use of the appropriate media)

• Determination (PR-emptive in your avoidance of naysayers)

• Dedication (PR-oactive in the drive for 'value added' service)

• Activation (PR-epared to step outside your comfort zone)

Progress is made in any business venture by simply out innovating your competition through the development of an effective and well thought out communications strategy.

The media and channels of communication are flooded with the big players, multimillion pound advertising, PR and marketing campaigns, backed by legions of proactive practitioners.

When viewed through the eyes of an SME, this environment can be decidedly unnerving, leaving small businesses wondering if they'll ever be able to compete and get their name out there, let alone derive any significant and measurable benefit from their marketing efforts.

But it doesn’t have to be this way – sometimes the most frequent mistake in marketing that an SME makes is trying to do too much, too early and too often.

Indeed, so many companies end up trying to take over the world with communications before mastering their own particular niche and immediate customer base, thus spending more than they can afford, on a shotgun approach rather than a sniper like communications campaign.

One important tip for SME's is to establish command of its own niche by taking control and identifying the problems then delivering solutions that are relevant to its industry and customers. This strategy centres on solutions ownership which has been shown, in a competitive marketplace, to be highly effective.

On a basic level the solutions strategy centres on knowing, guiding and developing discussion to the relevant press within their particular market or sector. By doing this an organisation will, over time, build a base of credibility, knowledge and inform new and potential prospects of their 'value added' business ethos.

Finding out which publications are read by your customers, what particular topics are written about and then making a concerted effort to contribute is an easy first step.

Another great way to get quality coverage is by guiding debate using development in your particular niche and regularly update relevant journalists on the hot topics in your industry in order to secure unbiased opinion

Develop a contact list of the most important publications and journalists in your sector and keep them updated with relevant (i.e. of interest to their readership) information. Create a media page on your website giving all your contact details and archive any contributions or published releases/case studies so that they are available for review.

Another great thing about a solutions driven communication program is that it can always be reused – not for other publications - but in your search for new clients effort and later testimonials. Circulating information (within the bounds of copyright) to prospective clients can help you to really build your reputation with little extra effort or expenditure.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to become a dream crusher here but your integrated and communicative effort should be like throwing a stone into the pond and then allowing the ripples to dissapate before throwing your next stone.

Thought for the Day:

'Not having enough stones to throw is never the problem it's often that there are just too many people around the same pond'.

John Wylie MCIPR Director of Public Affairs
Translate Scotland Public Relations & Marketing

"It's what we learn after we think we know it all.....that really counts!"

Wednesday 5 August 2009

Keeping an ear to the ground is useful .....but!

One of the 'drums' I'm always banging in communications is that "It's not always what you say that's important ....but what they (your target audience) hear!" and in the role reversal exercise .....YOU become the listener.

Good communication is simply a role reversal exercise between two people - YOU and your prospective client.

You ask your opening question (for example) "How is your business effected by ......... " and then listen .....he/she thinks about the question and then replies, giving you a hint on what your next question should be.

All good communicators ask lots of questions and listen very carefully to the answers. One of the most important skills of listening is simply to pause before replying. When your prospective client finishes talking, rather than jumping in with the first thing that you can think of, take three to five seconds to pause quietly and wait.

The success of many of our business activities depends on how well we listen. Studies show that we spend about 80 percent of our waking hours communicating, and at least 45 percent of that time listening.

But although listening is so critical in our daily lives, it is taught and studied far less than the other three basic communications skills: reading, writing, and speaking.

Much of the perceived trouble we have in communicating with others is usually because of poor listening skills.The good news is that listening efficiency can be improved by understanding the steps involved in the listening process and by following these basic guidelines.

Are You a Good Listener?

Most people are not. Many years ago, Sperry (now UniSys) did a survey and found that 85 percent of all people questioned rated themselves average or below in listening ability. Fewer than 5 percent rated themselves either superior or excellent.

The Four Steps of Listening

Hearing is the first step in the process. At this stage, you simply pay attention to make sure you have heard the message. If your client says, "I really need your proposal on my desk by Friday ....latest" you simply repeat the sentence internally, then reply to affirm your understanding.

The second step is interpretation. Failure to interpret the speaker's words correctly frequently leads to misunderstanding. People sometimes interpret words differently because of varying experience, knowledge, vocabulary, culture, background, and attitudes.

A good speaker uses tone of voice, facial expressions, and mannerisms to help make the message clear to the listener. For instance, if your client speaks loudly, frowns, and puts their hands on her hips, you know they are probably upset and angry.

During the third step, evaluation, you decide what to do with the information you have received. For example, when listening to your clents needs, you have two options: you choose either to accept or to reject the statements or presumptions made. The judgments you make in the evaluation stage are a crucial part of the listening process.

The final step is to respond to what you have heard. This is a verbal or visual response that lets the speaker know whether you have gotten the message and what your reaction is. When you tell the client that you would be happy to proceed on that basis, you are showing that you have heard and believe the message.

When it comes to listening, many of us are guilty (including me) of at least some bad habits. Instead of listening:

# We often think about what we're going to say next while the other person is still talking.

# We get easily distracted by the speaker's mannerisms or by what is going on around us.

# We often drift off into daydreams because we are sure we know what the speaker is going to say next.

All of these habits can hinder our listening ability. Contrary to popular notion, listening is not a passive activity. It requires full concentration and active involvement and is, in fact, hard work.

The following tips can help you become a better listener:

1. Don't talk. Listen. Studies show that sales people (you and I) are more likely to make a favourable impression and get the sale or project when we let the client do most of the talking.

2. Don't jump to conclusions. Assumptions can be dangerous. Maybe the speaker is not following the same train of thought that you are, or is not planning to make the point you think they are. If you don't listen, you may miss the real point the speaker is trying to get across.

3. "Listen "between the lines." Concentrate on what is not being said as well as what is being said.

4. Ask questions. If you are not sure of what the speaker is saying, ask. It's perfectly acceptable to say, “Do you mean . . . ?” or “Did I understand you to say . . . ?” It's also a good idea to repeat what the speaker has said in your own words to confirm that you have understood correctly.

5. Don't let yourself be distracted by the environment or by the speaker's appearance, accent, mannerisms, or word use. Keep an open mind. Don’t just listen for statements that back up your own opinions and support your beliefs. The point of listening, after all, is to gain new information.

6. Provide feedback. Make eye contact with the speaker. Show them you understand their talk by nodding your head, and, if appropriate, interjecting an occasional comment such as ''I see" or "that’s interesting." The speaker will appreciate your interest and feel that you are really listening.

Motivation is an essential key to becoming a good listener. Think how your ears perk up if someone says, "Let me tell you how pleased I am with that report you did,'' or "I plan to give you a million pounds as a bonus if we can deliver this project on time" That would get your interest and motivate you wouldn't it?

To get the most out of a meeting, speech, or conversation, go in with a positive attitude. Say to yourself, "What can I learn from this to make me more valuable in my industry and to this particular client'' You might be surprised at what you can learn, even from routine meetings and verbal jam sessions at the water cooler.

Quote of the day: ""We first make our habits, and then our habits make us."

Listen well...........

John Wylie MCIPR Director of Public Affairs
Translate Scotland Public Relations & Marketing

"It's what we learn after we think we know it all.....that really counts!"