Friday 1 October 2010

"When things seem under control are not moving fast enough!"

I just got a message about the 'economic downturn' well where is it?

We have never been busier.

In a Scotland exclusive, Kingsway Management Systems based at the Midlothian Innovation Centre Roslin are organising a seminar on November 10th 2010 with internationally renowned presentations expert and Microsoft advisor, Mr Robert Lane, of Aspire Communications from Arizona USA.

Working with Vicky Pitchers of VJP Media we have been commissioned to help Kingsway Management Services promote the above.

Media Release: for immediate distribution


In a Scotland exclusive, Kingsway Management Systems based at the Midlothian Innovation Centre Roslin are organising a seminar on November 10th 2010 with internationally renowned presentations expert and Microsoft advisor, Mr Robert Lane, of Aspire Communications from Arizona USA.

Mr Lane, speaking in Scotland for the first time as part of a UK wide tour, has developed powerful techniques which are applicable to both the business and academic fraternity.

His seminars teach practical strategies, which anyone can master, for reaching audiences more clearly, effectively, and profitably. In this unique seminar you will learn invaluable tips for creating highly visual and flexible PowerPoint presentations that are guaranteed to give you a competitive edge in any marketplace.

The above is particularly true in any type of presentation you run for your staff, business partners, clients or customers. We've all been there ....spending hours creating and practicing our PowerPoint presentations only to have them 'crash and burn' when we least expect it. Well fear not!

If you are tired of sleep-inducing PowerPoint performances with endless bullet points and you need the freedom to be conversational with audiences, quickly changing focus as necessary, then this one day seminar is perfect for you.

Book your place now.

This seminar is limited to 35 people.

Register here:

Working toward our joint success


Tuesday 21 September 2010

Newsflash - The Letter T Has Just Been Redefined

Translate Scotland welcomes Anita Haworth MD of Jenier Ltd to the International Resource Centre for Entrepreneurs.

Rarely do I endorse a company who doesn't do coffee but this company is different.

Anita and her Team at Jenier Teas have just given a whole new meaning to the diversity and application of Tea Products.

T ..... remendous Quality

T .... errific Service

T ...... empting selection of Products

T ...... rouble free online Ordering

It probably won’t take you too long to realise they're pretty passionate about tea!

You would like to try herbal teas .... no problem, they have a wide selection.

You would like to try real fruit teas ..... no problem.

You like your tea black .... no problem, you can also have it in green or white.

You like caffeine free ..... no problem, they do that too!

I was a dedicated coffee drinker and I didn't think anything would convince me otherwise ..... until now! Now I understand the term .... 'right tea jennie'

Take a tour around their website and get converted to TEA ... you won't regret it!

I'm off for a cuppa .... speak to you all soon.


Translate Scotland
Public Relations and Marketing

Quote for the Day: "Wealth is the ability to trully experience life" Thoreau.

Tuesday 17 August 2010

Successful Forum Viral Marketing

We just pinged our members a short report on how best to apply Face Book and Twitter to their marketing arsenal and are preparing a more detailled report on the benefits of forums and blogging.

Below is a short taster on forums ....... by way of introduction.

In order to be successful in using forums to run viral marketing campaigns there are some things that you need to be aware of and other things that are required.

Do Your Homework: Prior to joining any forum, you must do some research.

1. Join relevant forums that are in some way related to your market primary sector. For example, someone involved with a health related product/service, there are many types of forums that could apply … everything from holistic medicine to stay-at-home mums. Be creative with your search.

2. Choose popular forums. There is no point in wasting your time and energy on forums that have only a handful of members and few or irregular posts.

Page ranking and the amount of active members are two good ways to check for this.

3. Choose forums that allow sig tags (see example at the end of this post for my sig tag) If it’s possible read the rules before joining and pay attention to them.

Your time is important, too. It is better to find out that a forum doesn’t allow posts with sig tags before you go to the time and trouble of joining.

After you have looked the forum over and decided: OK! … you have chosen two or three forums that meet your requirements … which you have joined and have been accepted, spent some time getting familiar with the structure ...... now what?

1. Create your profile including your sig tag and update it regularly. The ideal thing is to limit yourself to one link, preferably to your main website.

2. Never create posts that are nothing more than an advertisement. This is all but a universal rule and only displays the marketers lack of experience if they do so.

At best this kind of post will be deleted by the monitors/administrators … at worst, it is grounds for being banned or becoming isolated before people even get to know you.

Some forums do allow one advertising post per month .... so be aware of the rules for posting.

3. Work the room. Be an active member on the forum. Plan to spend at least a half hour each day there and allow yourself time to get to know the users. Take the time to introduce yourself with intelligent questions/replies to threads depending upon the forum’s topic.

As you become a regular member, and start to actively post threads yourself, you will hopefully develop a good reputation and without saying a word about your company ..... other than a short introduction, those who are interested in your product will contact you for more information.

Forums are a great source of B2B and B2C referrals.

Have fun posting ........


Quote for the day: "Learn to give more in value ..... than you receive in payment"

John Wylie MCIPR
Director of Public Affairs
Translate Scotland Public Relations & Marketing

e mail:

Tuesday 20 July 2010

Attention all cyclists or anyone who knows cyclists

Seventy Five Reasons To Celebrate ....

If you know anyone who was a member of Musselburgh Roads Cycling Club, or just had any connection with the club say as a marshall or supporter etc please pass this message on to them.

The Musselburgh Roads Cycling Club (MRCC) formed in 1936 is widening its search throughout the global cycling fraternity in an effort to make contact with past members or anyone who had a previous connection to the Club.

Finalising details to celebrate 75 years in Scottish Cycling, the Club plans to host a number of events over the next year culminating with a commerative presentation dinner which is scheduled to take place in early October 2011.

Affiliated to the East of Scotland Cycling Association (ESCA) the Club, who carry the Musselburgh Town colours (blue and gold) for sport, organise a full program of cycling events to suit all age groups and are committed to the development of sport and health throughout the East Lothian region.

The Club will have its ‘colours’ on show as part of the Musselburgh Festival Parade which takes place on: Friday the 30th of July starting at 18.45.

Anyone who would like further information on the Club’s plans for the 2011 commerative dinner and would like to reconnect with the Club should contact: or mobile: 07786 598 092 and mention 75 Years In Scottish Cycling.


Many thanks

John Wylie MCIPR
Director of Public Affairs
Translate Scotland public relations and marketing

Friday 5 March 2010

Designing the Future!

Newsflash: 05March2010

The latest member to join our International Resource Centre for Entrepreneurs is: Chris Rhodes an exceptionally talented design architect from East Lothian who has offices at the new EH21 Creative Hub Eskmills Business Park in Inveresk, Musselburgh.

His company offers the full range of architectural services and work across a number of sectors, with speciality the residential side, conversions, extensions and new build domestic projects.

Chris states that "most people don't realise the benefit of using an architect until they employ the services of one - the real benefit as I see it is unlocking the spatial, tactile and experiential potential of a project - the lawrence llewelyn bowen flowery chat which I could go on for hours about, but I think it really takes the skills of an Architect to produce something special - after all you are investing in something that you want to use each and every day - something to improve the way you live your life, or perhaps simply to improve value (but equally the person who will be prepared to pay that value will be swayed by the same thing you are looking or should be looking to achieve - the wow factor), something a little bit more special than the run of the mill - and who better than somebody who has spent their entire life dedicated to doing just that - 6 years at University and only then are you allowed to work in an office for another couple of years as an assistant before you can then sit an exam and earn the right to pay a registration fee to the governing bodies and uphold the professional codes of conduct with continuing professional development".

He is currently in the process of building his website and, in the meantime, can be contacted by e mail to: chris@chrisrhodesarchitects or mobile:07967 802329

"if you want quality and value for money" .... give him a call ...... today!

John Wylie
Director of Public Affairs
Translate Scotland Public Relations & Marketing