Friday 30 October 2009

When The Going Gets Tough - Part 2

Competition SUCKS! part 2 ........ why and what I believe we can do about it.

With a saturated marketplace and new competition getting in 'the game' every day in life, you often hear things like:

"Why should I buy your whatever when the XYZ company sells it for £50 less?"

"Why should I hire you to sell my house when the ABC company will sell it for 5% instead of 6% commission?"

"Why should I listen to you when say your products or service are the best value for money?"

Want to know what’s even worse about living in this state of competition?

In most cases, you’ll never even get a chance to respond to these objections because people won’t verbalize them to you… those objections often never make it past their subconscious evaluation phase. When you live in competition with others, prospects and customers will ELIMINATE you without a second thought… and they often won’t even know why they’ve eliminated you.

Competing against other people inevitably creates an internal struggle within you… Internal struggle leads to other negative feelings like anger, resentment, inferiority and worse!

If you try to win through competing with others … ultimately, your health and your bank balance will suffer!

You can’t win in this way (nobody can)!

Even if you succeed for a while by competing with others, ultimately you will lose because once you become #1, people naturally try to knock you off… pull you down… or otherwise climb over you in their quest to take the #1 spot.

Unless you possess an unlimited budget, incredible good looks, or psychic abilities that let you see into the future, competing with others is NOT the way to win in life or in business over the long haul! At this point, you probably have a question on your mind (or at least you should)…

"If better, faster, quicker competition isn’t the answer, then what’s the secret to winning?"

Simple! Don’t play the game everyone else is playing… Don’t compete.

Instead… you should "Create!"

Creation - not competition - is the secret to winning in everything you do!

As competition is not desirable ....what really matters is creativity.

Lead don't follow ....and have the greatest respect for anyone who has the courage to lead anything creative or constructive ....

Creation is the process of finding, inventing, discovering or originating something new. It’s doing things in a different, more creative, more beneficial way than others are currently delivering to them.

Creation means coming up with new solutions to existing problems and doing things in a way that immediately separates you from the competition in the minds of your prospects.

In fact, being a creator rather than a competitor, so much so, that they won’t even make a comparison… you stand alone in their minds.

Creation means being different… and people who are different stand apart from the crowd and don’t face the struggles that naturally come along with the inherent pressure from market competition.

Creation means being the only game in town if people want and trust what you offer… and that means a whole lot more sales, more satisfaction, better relationships… and more money!

Creation comes with a price… a price most people are mysteriously NOT willing to pay. But if you pay the price… the world will deliver anything you ask. That’s the price?

In order to create instead of compete you must cut yourself off from the mentality of the 'crowd' mindset and ..........

You must be willing to make mistakes.
You must be willing to take chances and be vulnerable.
You must be willing to open yourself up to criticism.

You must be willing to work through the doubts that will inevitably bubble up from your subconscious mind as you experiment with new and better ways to help others get the results they want.

How do you remove yourself from the crowded arena of competition and get into the fresh air of creation? Simple.

Here’s a 4-step formula for getting out of competition and in to creation…

# Step 1 – Decide

Make a positive decision that you will no longer do things the exact same way, sell the exact same things, just because everyone else does it that way doesn’t make it right… or better…

Earl Nightingale termed it best when he said most people play "Follow the follower." People blindly following the person in front of them… who follows the person in front them… and there’s no leader at the front, just an endless line of followers… doing the same old thing… the same old way… with the same old tools… creating needless competition.

And remember – dare to be different.

# Step 2 – Innovate

Innovation means finding a new use for an existing tool or technique and is simply the process of taking something old and creating something new by taking two seemingly unrelated things, putting them together in a slightly different way thus creating a new solution to a problem.

Innovation means sticking your head above the crowd, doing a complete about-face, and heading in a totally different direction looking for new answers to old problems.

Innovation means being different… it means trusting yourself and your abilities…

# Step 3 - Mix in the “magic” ingredient – YOU!

Decide to always look for ways to inject your individuality and unique talents into everything you do or say.

By embracing all of your your talents, developing yourself as a person, and valuing your contributions – you unleash the new way of creative thinking we ALL possess inside us. You simply create needless competition and struggle when you try to be like others without injecting your own uniqueness into what you do and how you do it.

# Step 4 - Trust

Trust that you do contribute exceptional value and always go the extra mile.
Trust that you can always improve in some small way over yesterday
Trust that everything that happens in your life happens with a purpose and it serves you.

Trust that creation, not competition holds the 'secret' for your eventual success and that, like anything, you’ll get better over time with practice and positive application.

Creativity makes you unique… uniqueness makes you almost indispensable… indispensable people have little or no immediate 'competition'!


Quote for the Day: "ImagiNATION is the greatest nation on earth......... you are invited to join that nation"
John Wylie MCIPR Director of Public Affairs
Translate Scotland Public Relations & Marketing

"It's what we learn after we think we know it all.....that really counts!"

Thursday 8 October 2009

When the Going Gets Tough ... the Tough Get Going! - part 1

Life is a journey ..... not a destination and what you have at the moment .... you've attracted to you by the've become!

The subject of this particular 2 part post arose out of a discussion with the members of the 'Table of Eight' which is an informal group (strategic or psuedo mastermind alliance) of my ex-Shetland business colleagues and friends .... many of whom are based or spend some of their 'off the island' time in and around Edinburgh and we meet up at irregular intervals for an occasional meal and associated 'social refreshments'

Why is that relevant ......well it's not directly - but it gave me an introduction/background link for the post which I thought I should clarify and which could well have been entitled 'once upon a time....there was'.

It was my turn on the soapbox as the general topic for the discussion was the difference between personal and business development.

Well ..... is there a difference ? and the answer is (in my opinion) a resounding NO! because if you are a one man/woman band or small business then 'you are your business' and what you do or say affects the impression people have of you and/or your business image/identity.

I mean if you get negative or lazy or careless or impolite or are always late for meetings or provide dodgy products or unprofessional services or do anything which affects the impression people have of you, as an individual, would that affect your business dealings with prospective customers or business colleagues and the answer is ...... Of Course!

You started your business with a dream .....your dream and it is almost impossible to seperate the two fact if you reverse the above underlined statements and become ........ professional, careful and always deliver on promises would that have a positive impact on how you and your business activities were perceived and the answer is ...... OF Course (this is another of these 'of course' moments)

Is there any 'secret' to how we should address the 'of course' moments ..... NO!...... Very few things really rate as “secrets” in our personal or business lives anymore.

In fact, more often than not the word “secret” gets used in false, confusing, or even misleading ways. It seems dozens of books (more like 10,000 books) exist to explain the “secrets” for everything from how to crush the competition in business, make more money, have a better life, create better relationships… but do any of them really contain any “secrets” or are they just rehashing the same old stuff?

It makes you wonder…

Are there really any secrets that, if you learned them, would truly enable you to separate yourself from the competition and WIN virtually every single time you stepped into any arena of life?

No! but there is a way… and it’s so simple you’ll wonder why you never saw it or thought of it before!

I’m not talking about some lame theory of “winning” where you “win” just by showing up and feeling good by contributing and then count on everyone else to pay you back through some mystical, unexpected ways.

NOPE! NO way… that takes way too long and most people quit before that approach ever kicks in… let alone puts money in your bank account!

A major problem most people face in business (online or offline) or in their personal life comes down to answering the question “What am I selling?” whether it be for financial gain or simply an exchange of anything ....I am ......we are are...... involved in selling!

What are you selling in exchange for the money or results or friendship you seek from others?

Now some (maybe even you) might say “I don’t sell anything. I’m a _____________ (service provider,teacher, mother, fireman, cook, fill-in-the-blank)”

But if you want to market yourself offline/online, give yourself a running chance in any form of business, or be happy in other areas of your personal life, you must accept that fact that you ARE a salesperson.

You constantly “sell” people on why they should:

• Accept your business ideas
• Accept your point of view/change theirs
• Keep paying you as an employee
• Respect you as a father/mother or significant other
• Hire you for a new job/contract
• Pay you money for any type of service
• … and much, much more!

But there’s a problem… … and the problem is ........You’re probably doing whatever you’re doing the same way everybody else does it!

There’s a certain way most employees act…
a certain way most people sell offline/online…
a certain way most people behave with their kids…
a certain way most people treat their customers ....
a certain way most people decide what to sell (usually based on what they see others doing)…

Here’s the root of the problem… by doing things the same way others do them, selling the same things others sell, behaving the same way others behave, you create for yourself a little problem we call – competition!

FACT: A state of competition exists when customers (or family members) look at you, then look at other people, and compare the two of you against each other. As soon as others think they can make a comparison between you and someone (or some thing) else – you LOSE!

It doesn’t matter if it’s a fair or even comparison – “apples are apples” be damned! In fact, it doesn’t even matter if the comparison made has absolutely NO basis in reality. None of that matters!

As soon as your prospects, customers, or family members look at you and someone else and, in their minds, see you as equal -- you have LOST! GAME OVER!

Why? Because no matter how good you are, if you choose to compete directly or indirectly with others in any arena of business or personal life, there will ALWAYS be someone who is .......

• bigger
• better
• faster
• richer
• smarter
• nicer
• more fun
• better looking
• earlier
• flashier
• or cheaper than you are!

It’s a fact… if you live in the world of competition, you WILL (not might or maybe)… you WILL eventually lose out to someone else.

In an earlier post I mentioned Wallace D Wattles. In the early 1920's Wallace D Wattles wrote that 'we don't get rich by doing certain things .....we get rich by doing things in a CERTAIN way'

Competition and competing SUCKS! and in part two of this I'll explain why I think so and in what 'certain way' I think we can do something about it.


Quote for the day: "If you do the things you need to do, when you need to do them ...... then someday you will be able to do the things you WANT to do ..... when you want to do them" Zig Ziglar.
John Wylie MCIPR Director of Public Affairs
Translate Scotland Public Relations & Marketing

"It's what we learn after we think we know it all.....that really counts!"

Wednesday 30 September 2009

How To Implement Systems That Will Simplify Your Life

and enable your business to operate without you ..........

Imagine this scenario.................

It’s 09.00am on a Monday morning and you pick up the phone and call your office and say “Hi, it’s me. I’m taking a few weeks off to travel and attend some business meetings. Look after things for me” and hang up.

If you had the right systems in place could you do that?

I would argue that we don’t have to spend a lot of money to build better business systems. However we do need to put in place a method by which the least professional amongst the professionals, the least experienced amongst the experienced can be given a system which will leverage them to produce the results we seek to achieve over and over again.

The answer is simply to give those ordinary people - extraordinary tools (SYSTEMS) with which to work and those tools need to be developed no matter what we do or the true assets of the business (the people) walk out of the door every day.........leaving it empty of capability, empty of commitment.

It has, been suggested that the intellectual assets of any business, are the systems we develop to allow us the predictable results every single time, no matter what activity we are engaged in and if we can drive that technology down and put it within the reach of ordinary people we literally guarantee ourselves, our business
partners and our Clients............ more opportunity and more chance of success.

We are all aware that running a business can be stressful, especially if we're like most business owners: We want/need to have a hand in everything that goes on in the business because we want to make sure everything is done right.

Most seasoned entrepreneurs eventually realize that the long work hours and constant threat of burnout require a change. The key is to implement systems - that allow your business to operate without you physically being there.

It's obvious that the more talented you are, the more creative you are, the more confident you are, the more ambitious you are etc then it is more likely that you will feel that your life is starting to get out of control, that you will start to operate in an inefficient and unproductive way.

One of the biggest mistakes we often make is to volunteer for so many unconnected things ... we say well I can do that, then I can do this and once I'm finished that I'll come and help you then before we know where we are we start to get under pressure to do the things which we would have finished before our latest round
of 'volunteering to help' was over.

The mnemonic for the word SYSTEM is .... Save Yourself SomeTime Effort and Money.

Something we all want .....right?

#1 Make a list of your priorities

Look at the most effective use of your time by asking yourself 'what one or two things - if I could do them today - would have the biggest impact on my business?'.

Chances are you often find yourself so wrapped up in the actual running of your business that you have little or no time to focus on other key aspects of your business, such as seeking out growth opportunities, networking, or building relationships with your clients.

Once you've made a list of your priorities, you know the most important things on which you want to focus, allowing you to leave the less important or low impact other tasks to your employees or outsource to others, leaving you free to FOCUS solely on the high impact, high yield activities.

#2 Be prepared to delegate or outsource responsibilities

For many small business owners, handing over the everyday responsibilities to employees our outsourcing tasks can be a challenge. But, it's essential if you want your business to run without you and if you want time to concentrate on other aspects of your business. You must learn how to delegate responsibilities and
trust that your employees/others will do as good a job as you would do.

#3 Create replicatable systems

Systems are going to allow you to have a more hands-off approach to the everyday happenings of your business. Everyone in your business should have a role in creating systems. For example, if you have a payroll department, even if it consists of only one person, you're going to create a system that allows the payroll
department to run smoothly even if you're not around.

Have the payroll manager sit down and write a list of all the processes that occur each day to ensure the payroll department runs smoothly. That way, if she isn't around, someone can come in, read the payroll department's procedures and do the job in her place.

#4 Create a step by step simplified procedure manual

A procedure manual is essential to ensuring that your business runs smoothly when you're not around. Take all of the processes that were created by you or your employees and compile them into a comprehensive procedure manual that lists every procedure and process that is followed to ensure your business runs smoothly. A stranger should be able to come into your business, read your procedure manual, and know what needs to be done to run the business smoothly.

#5 Train people to work in other positions

As a business owner, you can and probably have worked in every role in your business. While it's important for you to be able to step in when needed, it's just as important that you cross train your employees, so they are able to step into other roles if and when needed.

#6 Be patient and appreciate that it takes time

Systemizing your business so it can run when you're not around is a process. It's not going to happen overnight, so be prepared to take the time that is needed now so that your business will eventually be able to operate without you there.


Quote for the day: "Management and Personnel work IN the system, whilst leaders work ON the system".

Sunday 23 August 2009

Some Thoughts on 'Levelling' The Playing Field

Even though you may be a new start or small business doesn't mean you can't compete with the big guns and get all the leverage and visibility you need from external communications – a well thought out strategic approach to every contact you make with the media can help position you as 'lead dog' in your field even if you are on a tight budget.

Here's how and why...

Economics are important but it doesn’t take a lot of money to put in place these things I'm talking about here. It takes creativity; the desire to change/adapt... it takes such qualities as:

• Innovation (PR-otagonist confident to lead without authority)

• Inspiration (PR-edisposed to try out new ideas)

• Motivation (PR-agmatic with your time mangement)

• Imagination (PR-udent in your analysis of what is possible)

• Communication (PR-ecise in your selective use of the appropriate media)

• Determination (PR-emptive in your avoidance of naysayers)

• Dedication (PR-oactive in the drive for 'value added' service)

• Activation (PR-epared to step outside your comfort zone)

Progress is made in any business venture by simply out innovating your competition through the development of an effective and well thought out communications strategy.

The media and channels of communication are flooded with the big players, multimillion pound advertising, PR and marketing campaigns, backed by legions of proactive practitioners.

When viewed through the eyes of an SME, this environment can be decidedly unnerving, leaving small businesses wondering if they'll ever be able to compete and get their name out there, let alone derive any significant and measurable benefit from their marketing efforts.

But it doesn’t have to be this way – sometimes the most frequent mistake in marketing that an SME makes is trying to do too much, too early and too often.

Indeed, so many companies end up trying to take over the world with communications before mastering their own particular niche and immediate customer base, thus spending more than they can afford, on a shotgun approach rather than a sniper like communications campaign.

One important tip for SME's is to establish command of its own niche by taking control and identifying the problems then delivering solutions that are relevant to its industry and customers. This strategy centres on solutions ownership which has been shown, in a competitive marketplace, to be highly effective.

On a basic level the solutions strategy centres on knowing, guiding and developing discussion to the relevant press within their particular market or sector. By doing this an organisation will, over time, build a base of credibility, knowledge and inform new and potential prospects of their 'value added' business ethos.

Finding out which publications are read by your customers, what particular topics are written about and then making a concerted effort to contribute is an easy first step.

Another great way to get quality coverage is by guiding debate using development in your particular niche and regularly update relevant journalists on the hot topics in your industry in order to secure unbiased opinion

Develop a contact list of the most important publications and journalists in your sector and keep them updated with relevant (i.e. of interest to their readership) information. Create a media page on your website giving all your contact details and archive any contributions or published releases/case studies so that they are available for review.

Another great thing about a solutions driven communication program is that it can always be reused – not for other publications - but in your search for new clients effort and later testimonials. Circulating information (within the bounds of copyright) to prospective clients can help you to really build your reputation with little extra effort or expenditure.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to become a dream crusher here but your integrated and communicative effort should be like throwing a stone into the pond and then allowing the ripples to dissapate before throwing your next stone.

Thought for the Day:

'Not having enough stones to throw is never the problem it's often that there are just too many people around the same pond'.

John Wylie MCIPR Director of Public Affairs
Translate Scotland Public Relations & Marketing

"It's what we learn after we think we know it all.....that really counts!"

Wednesday 5 August 2009

Keeping an ear to the ground is useful .....but!

One of the 'drums' I'm always banging in communications is that "It's not always what you say that's important ....but what they (your target audience) hear!" and in the role reversal exercise .....YOU become the listener.

Good communication is simply a role reversal exercise between two people - YOU and your prospective client.

You ask your opening question (for example) "How is your business effected by ......... " and then listen .....he/she thinks about the question and then replies, giving you a hint on what your next question should be.

All good communicators ask lots of questions and listen very carefully to the answers. One of the most important skills of listening is simply to pause before replying. When your prospective client finishes talking, rather than jumping in with the first thing that you can think of, take three to five seconds to pause quietly and wait.

The success of many of our business activities depends on how well we listen. Studies show that we spend about 80 percent of our waking hours communicating, and at least 45 percent of that time listening.

But although listening is so critical in our daily lives, it is taught and studied far less than the other three basic communications skills: reading, writing, and speaking.

Much of the perceived trouble we have in communicating with others is usually because of poor listening skills.The good news is that listening efficiency can be improved by understanding the steps involved in the listening process and by following these basic guidelines.

Are You a Good Listener?

Most people are not. Many years ago, Sperry (now UniSys) did a survey and found that 85 percent of all people questioned rated themselves average or below in listening ability. Fewer than 5 percent rated themselves either superior or excellent.

The Four Steps of Listening

Hearing is the first step in the process. At this stage, you simply pay attention to make sure you have heard the message. If your client says, "I really need your proposal on my desk by Friday ....latest" you simply repeat the sentence internally, then reply to affirm your understanding.

The second step is interpretation. Failure to interpret the speaker's words correctly frequently leads to misunderstanding. People sometimes interpret words differently because of varying experience, knowledge, vocabulary, culture, background, and attitudes.

A good speaker uses tone of voice, facial expressions, and mannerisms to help make the message clear to the listener. For instance, if your client speaks loudly, frowns, and puts their hands on her hips, you know they are probably upset and angry.

During the third step, evaluation, you decide what to do with the information you have received. For example, when listening to your clents needs, you have two options: you choose either to accept or to reject the statements or presumptions made. The judgments you make in the evaluation stage are a crucial part of the listening process.

The final step is to respond to what you have heard. This is a verbal or visual response that lets the speaker know whether you have gotten the message and what your reaction is. When you tell the client that you would be happy to proceed on that basis, you are showing that you have heard and believe the message.

When it comes to listening, many of us are guilty (including me) of at least some bad habits. Instead of listening:

# We often think about what we're going to say next while the other person is still talking.

# We get easily distracted by the speaker's mannerisms or by what is going on around us.

# We often drift off into daydreams because we are sure we know what the speaker is going to say next.

All of these habits can hinder our listening ability. Contrary to popular notion, listening is not a passive activity. It requires full concentration and active involvement and is, in fact, hard work.

The following tips can help you become a better listener:

1. Don't talk. Listen. Studies show that sales people (you and I) are more likely to make a favourable impression and get the sale or project when we let the client do most of the talking.

2. Don't jump to conclusions. Assumptions can be dangerous. Maybe the speaker is not following the same train of thought that you are, or is not planning to make the point you think they are. If you don't listen, you may miss the real point the speaker is trying to get across.

3. "Listen "between the lines." Concentrate on what is not being said as well as what is being said.

4. Ask questions. If you are not sure of what the speaker is saying, ask. It's perfectly acceptable to say, “Do you mean . . . ?” or “Did I understand you to say . . . ?” It's also a good idea to repeat what the speaker has said in your own words to confirm that you have understood correctly.

5. Don't let yourself be distracted by the environment or by the speaker's appearance, accent, mannerisms, or word use. Keep an open mind. Don’t just listen for statements that back up your own opinions and support your beliefs. The point of listening, after all, is to gain new information.

6. Provide feedback. Make eye contact with the speaker. Show them you understand their talk by nodding your head, and, if appropriate, interjecting an occasional comment such as ''I see" or "that’s interesting." The speaker will appreciate your interest and feel that you are really listening.

Motivation is an essential key to becoming a good listener. Think how your ears perk up if someone says, "Let me tell you how pleased I am with that report you did,'' or "I plan to give you a million pounds as a bonus if we can deliver this project on time" That would get your interest and motivate you wouldn't it?

To get the most out of a meeting, speech, or conversation, go in with a positive attitude. Say to yourself, "What can I learn from this to make me more valuable in my industry and to this particular client'' You might be surprised at what you can learn, even from routine meetings and verbal jam sessions at the water cooler.

Quote of the day: ""We first make our habits, and then our habits make us."

Listen well...........

John Wylie MCIPR Director of Public Affairs
Translate Scotland Public Relations & Marketing

"It's what we learn after we think we know it all.....that really counts!"

Tuesday 28 July 2009

The Same 'Wind' Blows On Us All!

5 Positive Things to Do To Remove Negative Thinking. (some of it at least)

"You will find yourself refreshed by the presence of cheerful people. Why not make earnest effort to confer that pleasure on others? Half the battle is gained if you never allow yourself to say anything gloomy."

Lydia M. Child
1802-1880, Abolitionist and Writer

My colleagues often refer to me as a serial optimist and 'born again' searcher of good things..... well I'm fine with that! hence the avatar ...... john the searcher.

How long would I keep looking? ........ as long as it takes - would be my response.

Obviously there are things that in our lives that will test us and it is only natural to become sad or think negatively during those periods but as we are all aware that time heals and we deal with them in what ever way we can and then move on.

I use the tagline below for my business in an effort to put the above into perspective....... for me at least! Read it by all means .....but don't watch me closely - as I'm still working on it.

'the difference between ordinary and extraordinary ....... is simply that little bit EXTRA! and sometimes that's all it takes ....... is a little bit extra ...... a little more effort........ a little more positive and a little less pessimistic and negative (each and every day)

One of the key principles or recommendation on how to remove most of our negative thinking is that we have a choice of how we invest our time and energy both at home and at work. We can focus on the negative or the positive.

We can focus on problems or use those problems - as objects of change - to create effective and lasting solutions.

It’s all about our intention, our focus and our attitude. Bad attitudes create bad results and good attitudes always create good results. And since one of the best ways to get rid of a bad or poor attitude is to replace it with a good one, here are 5 positive things we can TRY each day to stay positive.

Remember that it's not altitude that determines how high we will go ........ but ATTITUDE!

1. Be Grateful. Research shows that when we are thankful for the things we have, we get a measurable boost in happiness that keeps us going. It’s also physiologically impossible to be stressed and thankful at the same time, just the same as you can't smile ..... I mean ....... really smile and be angry at the same time.

Two thoughts cannot occupy our mind at the same time, so if you are focusing on gratitude, you can’t be negative.

2. Encourage Others. Instead of complaining about what others are doing wrong, start focusing on what they are doing right then watch as they get better as a result.

3. Focus on Success. Start a success journal. Each night before you go to bed, write down the one great thing about your day. The one great conversation, accomplishment, or change in attitude that you are most proud of.

Focus on your success, and it will become a habit which can be life changing.

4. Do What You Can and Let Go. Focus on the things that you have the power to change, and let go of the things that are beyond your control, the things you can't do or can't get done. You’ll be amazed that when you stop trying to control everything, it all somehow works out and you find more focus and ultimately more time.

5. Learn From Each Day. Scientific research shows us that ........ a few simple disciplines practiced every day help to reduce stress; boost positive energy; and promote health, vitality, and longevity. When you are faced with the urge to complain or you are feeling stressed ......... stop, be still, clear your mind and smile.

Think 'sunshine'


Sunday 14 June 2009

When 'Thinking' Hurts Your Brain - Get Creative!

Creative Thinking

How many times have you caught yourself saying that there could be no solution to a problem – and that all thoughts on the problem simply lead to a dead end?

How many times have you felt stumped knowing that the problem laying before you is one you think you should be able to solve ..... but cannot.

No leads. No Ideas. No options. No solutions.

Did it feel like you had exhausted all possible options and yet are still before the mountain – large, unconquerable, and impregnable?

When encountering problems, you may often feel like you're banging your head against the wall and the pressure of having to solve the problem may be overwhelming.

But rejoice! There is hope!

With some creative problem-solving techniques you may be able to look at your problem in a different light.

We've all heard the saying: that there is light at the end of the tunnel that leads to possible solutions, but often it is a train (yet another problem') heading in your direction.

Not always, though!

First of all, in the light of creative problem-solving, you must be open-minded to the fact that there may be more than just one solution to the problem. And, you must be open to the fact that there may be many solutions to problems you thought were unsolvable.

Now, with this optimistic mindset, we can try to be a little bit more creative in solving our problems.

# 1: maybe the reason we cannot solve our problems is that we have not really taken a hard look at what the problem is. Here, trying to understanding the problem and having a concrete understanding of its workings is integral to solving the problem.

If you know how it works, what the problem is, then you have a better start point towards solving the problem.

Not trying to make the simple statement of what problem is. Try to identify the participating entities and what their relationships with one another are.

Take note of the things you stand to gain and stand to lose from the current problem. Now you have a simple statement of what the problem is.

# 2: try to take note of all of the constraints and assumptions you have in respect of the problem.

Sometimes it is these assumptions that obstruct our view of possible solutions. You have to identify which assumptions are valid, in which assumptions need to be addressed.

# 3: try to solve the problem by parts. Solve it going from general view towards the more detailed parts of the problem. This is called the top-down approach. Write down the question, and then come up with a one-sentence solution to that from them.

The solution should be a general statement of what will solve the problem. From here you can develop the solution further, and increase its complexity little by little.

# 4: although it helps to have critical thinking aboard as you solve a problem, you must also keep a creative, analytical voice at the back of your head. When someone comes up with a prospective solution, tried to think how you could make that solution work.

Try to be creative. At the same time, look for chinks in the armour of that solution.

# 5: it pays to remember that there may be more than just one solution being developed at one time. Try to keep track of all the solutions and their developments. Remember, there may be more than just one solution to the problem.

# 6: remember that old adage," two heads are better than one." That one is truer than it sounds. Always be open to new ideas. You can only benefit from listening to all the ideas each person has.

This is especially true when the person you're talking to has had experience solving problems similar to yours.

You don't have to be a gung-ho, solo hero to solve the problem. If you can organize collective thought on the subject, it would be much better.

# 7: be patient. As long as you persevere, there is always a chance that a solution will present itself. Remember that no one was able to create an invention the first time around.

Creative thinking exercises (often referred to as: Mind Mapping) can also help you in your quest be a more creative problems solver.

Here is one example.

Take a piece of blank paper and write the problem down and other any word that comes to mind at the center. Now look at those words then write the first two words that come to your mind.

This can go on until you can build a tree of related words. This helps you build analogical skills, and fortify your creative processes.

So, next time you see a problem you think you can not solve, think again. The solution might just be staring you right in the face. All it takes is just a little creative thinking, some planning, and a whole lot of work.


Quote for the day:
"If you think you can ....or you think you can't.....then you're probably right!"

John Wylie MCIPR Director of Public Affairs
Translate Scotland Public Relations & Marketing

Sunday 7 June 2009

How to 'self audit' your attitude.......10 tips I'm sure of!

This week has been a fairly quiet week and I took the opportunity to go back through some old client files I was intending to ditch and found this extract from an intranet conversation I had had with a business colleague some 10 years ago ....... but still hold true to this day.

Her business had taken a bit of a downturn due to an increase in local competition who were pricing her out of a niche she had worked hard over a few years to establish herself in.

We had been working with her to address several issues which the above brought about, as her prime concern was that previous customers were always complaining and being negative (unjustifiably) towards and about her.

My advice was that she could join that 'club' or she could do something about it as it 'is not what happens, what happens ....... happens to us all -the important thing is; what we do about it!'

I believe that there are only about 10 or 12 really negative people in the world, but they move around a lot and sooner or later you will bump into one or two of them.

The easy way to avoid them affecting your attitude is to keep the mindset of a ...... winner.

Here is the rest of the extract and my thoughts on what makes winners .... WIN!

They always...........................

1. Listen to and follow their own intuition. They know how intuitions and insights come to them and are tuned-in internally to make wise decisions.

2. Are aware of who they are--- strengths, weaknesses, personality, values, etc. They know that the most important (and interesting) thing to know about is "self."

3. Reflect on and learn from past experiences, finding out what works and what doesn't, and then adjust their course of action as needed. They think about things before jumping in, and also take the time after-the-fact to actively reflect to fully understand what happened or didn't happen.

4. Can easily entertain and develop innovative ideas, thoughts, and ways of doing things. They long for progressive and forward thinking information, concepts, and people. They often come up with new and radical ideas on a regular basis.

5. Are open to different perspectives and see possibilities where most people don't. They are comfortable with paradoxes and can relate to numerous sides of an issue or opinion.

6. Recognize and respond quickly to opportunities and people. They act and react fast, and take care of what needs to be taken care-of, well ahead of schedule.

7. Don't have to know it all, but they do know where to go to get whatever information, resources, training, education that they need. They are well networked and have people to call on for resource referrals.

8. Think for themselves. They do not blindly believe things so-called "experts" say, in fact, they ask deep questions to discover their own truth.

9. Are committed to being a lifelong learner. They continuously learn new things, and stay current with their skills, attitudes, and beliefs.

10. Do not take themselves or life too seriously. They recognize the importance of finding the fun in the irony and the paradoxical comedy of everyday life.


My quote for the day:

"Nothing so conclusively proves a person's ability to lead others as what they do from day to day to lead themselves."
John Wylie MCIPR
Director of Public Affairs
Translate Scotland
Public Relations & Marketing

Tuesday 26 May 2009

You're at the Front of the Queue..... Now What?

In a somewhat crowded marketplace how do you get noticed?

What do the following companies have in common?

1. Asa Candler did it for Coca -Cola.

In 1887 he bought the formula for Coca-Cola from its inventor John Pemberton and several other share-holders for $2,300. The success of Coca-Cola was largely due to Candler's aggressive marketing of the product.

2. Ray Croc did it for the Mcdonalds Food Chain.

Raymond Albert Kroc was an American businessman who took over the (at the time) small-scale McDonald's Corporation franchise in 1954 and built it into the most successful fast food operation in the world.

3. Earl Nightingale and Vic Conant did it for Nightingale Conant

The world leader in personal development for over 40 years! whose library has the most comprehensive selection of quality personal and business development products ........ on the planet.

4. Richard Branston did it for Virgin.

Sir Richard Branson isn’t just a guy with a beard and a penchant for sweaters, balloons and boat racing. He’s also the man behind one of the most successful brands in the world: Virgin. But then you probably knew that

Richard Branson is synonymous with Virgin – and this isn’t an accident.

5. Robin Barr did it for IRN-BRU

As well as being chairman, has held the prestigious post of chief Irn-Bru mixer. Only he, and one other unnamed individual, know exactly how to create "Scotland's other national drink".

AG Barr has skilfully built the Irn-Bru brand ever since the bright orange fizzy drink was first made in 1901; for some Scots, drinking Irn-Bru is a matter of national identity.

The answer to the question is quite simply .... they all applied a CONSISTENCY approach to develop their brand equity.

Or more realistically applied Consistency of Use.

Building your company brand requires two elements:

The identity itself and the consistency of its use.

Although it's true you could have a number different brands for different sections of your business but to be as effective as the above 5 examples they must relate back in a 'straight line' to the Parent company.

Once you’re happy with your corporate identity – business name and logo - make sure you use it everywhere!

Not just on your vehicle livery, business cards, stationery, envelopes, invoices, website, email, product packaging and other printed materials, but on ALL your marketing 'vehicles'.

Never miss an opportunity to promote your identity.

Salespeople have an expression “ABC – Always Be Closing.”

Marketers think a little differently, “ABS – Always Be Self-Promoting.”

Public Relations people go much further "AIM - Always Inform the Media."

According to Wikipedia - The study of brand equity is increasingly popular as some marketing researchers have concluded that brands are one of the most important and valuable assets that a company has.

LIVE the brand.

Quote of the day: "thousands of people saw the apple fall ....... but only Newton asked: "WHY?"

Working toward our joint success


Saturday 23 May 2009

Why Publish an eZine?

On the Internet, it is very possible to make money without selling any product. One way of doing so is through starting your own eZine, also known as an electronic newsletter.

In a nutshell, you send out your eZine issues on a periodical basis to your subscribers. The good part is that you have a flexible choice in automating the process of sending out your eZine issues for you or manually sending them on a periodical basis.

As an eZine publisher, not only can you easily achieve the benefits a conventional newsletter publisher enjoys without having to chop down several trees in the process, you can easily and conveniently spread your marketing influence and expertise to your base of subscribers from the shoes of an ordinary individual.

In other words, you do not have to invest in expensive printing equipment, brick and mortar business, and hiring staff just to run your own newsletter publication, resulting in a lot of time, money and effort saved.

Basically, all you need to start your own eZine are an auto responder and broadcast feature to go with, enabling you to reach out to your massive subscribers whom you can regard as your prospects, too.

Go to:


Friday 22 May 2009

For things to change....... You must begin somewhere!

"when the student is ready.....the teacher appears"

We have just had the honour of being selected as an Affiliate of Nightingale Conant -the world leader in personal development for over 40 years!

The Nightingale Conant library has the most comprehensive selection of quality personal and business development products ........ on the planet.

Personal Development means many different things to as many different people and from this moment onward we'll be with you every step of the way.

If we told you that we could help you to find direction in both your personal and business life, help you change, help you become the person you've always wanted to be and it would only cost you some time and a thousand would say "Oh no! that's too much"

However, if we told you that all it would cost was a few hours a month and a few "pennies" wouldn't it then be worth it to make the investment in your personal and business success ?

If a journey of 1000 miles begins with.......just one step, when will you take that step ? If you want to change your life, then you must change. The good news that it doesn't take too long for that small step to make a big, big difference.

"An apple a day keeps the doctor away!" What if that's true!

One on One coaching sessions are available through our Platform for Change program within the Resource Centre for Entrepreneurs with your introductory session free of charge.

If you have an interest in any aspect of Personal or Business Development then give us a call or log in to our website and complete the form on our contact page and we will get back to you in a 'heartbeat'.


Saturday 16 May 2009

How to solve the problems of tomorrow.....TODAY!

In his book The Winning Attitude, John C. Maxwell, noted author and speaker tells us that attitude is:

The “advance man” of our true selves
Has inward roots but outward fruits
Is our best friend or worst enemy
Is more honest and more consistent than our words
Is an outward look based on past experiences
Is a think which draws people to us or repels them
Is never content until it is expressed
Is the librarian of our past
Is the speaker of our present
Is the prophet of our future

Whilst the above is true but absolutely pointless unless we can apply it to bring about changes in our attitude, or our willingness to try and think positively most of the time.

Our attitude affects many people - from our friends and family to the stranger we smile at in the supermarket or petrol station.

We should not put off our thoughts on positive thinking. It is said that 'an apple a day keeps the doctor away' ........... What if that's true?

'An optimist will see opportunity in difficulties, while a pessimist will see difficulty in opportunities'.

We must choose which of the above we will focus on: if we choose poorly, we condition ourself to a difficult uphill struggle to achieve our goals and be successful. Count on that.

Simply put.......... Good attitude - good results .......poor attitude - poor results and it naturally follows that if we have a great attitude then we will see great results.

So how do we begin to think positively if we’re a natural pessimist?

I don’t really believe there ARE natural pessimists, just people who have been taught how to consider the darkest side of every cloud, who let the dark in no matter what happens.

If they won they lottery they would be worried in case they lost the money rather than think positively on the changes it would make to their lives and of those around them.

We cannot change the fact that a problem exists, but we can do a lot to determine what the opportunity is within that problem. Begin to see that problems are a fact of life and that our job is to find a way over, around, under, or through them—as quickly as possible.

When we’re upbeat and consider how quickly a problem will be behind us, it’s easy to be optimistic.

Cynicism is another killer when it comes to attitude. It’s a cousin of pessimism—it considers everything suspect and everyone as having an ulterior motive. It never looks at someone doing us a favour just to be

nice, it always considers that there is a reason we are being done a favour and looks suspiciously at the motivation of the person who’s giving it.

Cynicism comes from having unrealistic expectations. Many people expect great and wonderful things to happen to them with little-to-no work on their parts. They expect things to fall from the sky in to their laps.

When it doesn’t happen as they expect, they become suspicious of others who have achieved success and ultimately, cynical.

We must harness the power of our thoughts and words when setting our course for success. Use positive affirmations daily: remind ourself that a stumbling block is temporary and that we can and will overcome it;

admit to ourself that we have potential and are able to move on when others cannot; redifining our vision for our life and our goals.

As we discipline ourself daily to do this, we will find optimism and positive thinking will soon be chasing us down the street. Negativity becomes a thing of the past.

And who couldn’t use these two friends when we’re aiming for success?


Quote of the Day: "If a man is after money, he's money mad; if he keeps it, he's a capitalist; if he spends it, he's a playboy; if he doesn't get it, he's a ne-er-do-well; if he doesn't try to get it, he lacks ambition. If he gets it without working for it; he's a parasite; and if he accumulates it after a life time of hard work, people call him a fool who never got anything out of life." Vic Oliver

Tuesday 12 May 2009

50 Benefits Of Joint Venture Marketing

What Is A Joint Venture?

A joint venture is an agreement in which two or more businesses work on a project for a set period of time.

Joint ventures can be long-term, like promoting a product together, or some can be short-term, like bartering (trading) products and services. Joint venture ideas are virtually endless.

The Benefits Of Joint Venture Marketing

1. You can build long lasting business relationships.
2. You can increase your credibility by teaming up with other reputable, branded businesses.
3. You can get free products and services.
4. You can construct most joint venture deals with little or no money.
5. You can gain new leads and customers.
6. You can get discounts on products and services.
7. You can save money on business operating costs.
8. You can beat your competition.
9. You can gain referrals from other businesses.
10. You can solve your business problems.
11. You can save valuable time.
12. You can get free and low cost advertising.
13. You can offer your customers new products and services.
14. You can survive a depression, recession or a slow economy.
15. You can save money by sharing advertising and marketing costs.
16. You can target other potential markets.
17. You can expand and grow your business quickly.
18. You can gain valuable information or skills.
19. You can increase and protect your cash flow.
20. You can find new profit outlets.
21. You can become rich and wealthy.
22. You can start almost any business at little or no costs.
23. You can get rid of your extra inventory.
24. You can reduce and eliminate your debts and avoid bankruptcy.
25. You can afford to sell your products at a lower price.
26. You can increase your opt in or ezine subscribers for free.
27. You can get your web hosting and design for free.
28. You can save money outsourcing your workload for free.
29. You can find hidden income streams.
30. You can exchange useless products for profitable ones.
31. You can create new business funding and credit lines.
32. You can reduce your taxes.
33. You can find and create new distribution channels for your products.
34. You can give your employees more raises, bonuses and benefits.
35. You can even trade non business stuff to improve your personal life.
36. You can increase your sales and profits.
37. You can send your ad to huge, targeted email lists at no cost.
38. You can eliminate employee hiring costs creating barter outsourcing deals.
39. You can build your customer or opt-in list for free.
40. You can build profitable alliances with other businesses.
41. You can learn insider information from other experts at no cost.
42. You can test your product for free.
43. You can out-sell other affiliates much easier.
44. You can increase the number of affiliates that sign up to your reseller program.
45. You can offer more bonus products and incentives to buy.
46. You can get highly credible endorsements and testimonials from other experts.
47. You can quickly increase your ezine subscribers.
48. You can offer your products at lower prices than your competition.
49. You can easily find new up sell and backend products to sell.
50. You can create products faster and with less effort.

These are only some of the benefits. They're endless!

Quote of the Day:

"If you know how to spend less than you get, you have the philosopher's stone." -- Benjamin Franklin

Warm regards,

John Wylie

Saturday 9 May 2009

8 Simple Steps to Improve Your Time Management

In the early 1920's Wallace D Wattles wrote that 'we don't get rich by doing certain things .....we get rich by doing things in a CERTAIN way'

Whilst that statement may benefit your income goals - the premise, if properly applied, will also help your time management goals.


There are 86,400 seconds in a day and you and I have to know how best to maximise their use in an effort to balance all we need to get through .....every day. Agreed ?

This article will take you about 300 seconds to what are you going to do with all the remaining 'free' time ?

At some stage in both our personal and business careers we all fall foul to poor time management.The reasons may be unavoidable but are often a valuable prompt that we are letting things slide and need to readdress the issue.

If you are experiencing a problem with balance in time managment either at home or at work, there is a good chance that your problems may be caused by a difficulty in properly and prudently allocating your time. The good news, however, is that there are a number of steps that you can take to improve your time management.

In fact, 8 simple steps that you can take are highlighted below.

1 – Admit (at least to yourself) That You Have a Problem

Knowing that you have a time management problem is the first step in changing your behavior. Although it is typical to be late for work, or meetings and a social event on occasion, it is something that should not be happening on a daily or a weekly basis. If it is, it is time for you to realize that you may have address the issue.

2 – Decide To Change

Knowing that you have a time management problem is important, but wanting to change is even more important. You need to set goals for yourself, as these goals can help to provide you with a source of motivation. Sample goals include showing up to work on time for a whole month, being on time for all meetings or dinner dates, and so forth.

3 – Stick To Your Goals

Creating a number of time management goals for you to meet is advised, but it is important that you don’t give up right away or when you are faced with complications. Setting goals simply just isn’t enough, you need to stick with them and modify them to suit.

4 – Create Daily Task Lists

Creating a to do list for yourself is an easy way to properly manage your time. In fact, it is one of the easiest approaches that you can take. Outline what you need to do throughout the day. Be sure to list your tasks in order of importance and finish one task completely before moving onto the next.

5 – Rely On Time Management Tools

Properly managing your time is important, but it can be hard for many individuals to get used to, especially right away. If you are one of those individuals, you will want to consider using time management tools to your advantage.

Setting up a simple time schedule may go something like this......... (delegate where possible)

# Check your e mails at set intervals throughout the day and don't be tempted to have a quick look, as this will distract you from other important 'To Do' elements.
# Apply the same logic to making telephone calls to avoid any uneccesary distractions. Make all outgoing calls within a specific timeframe - where possible.
# If you regularily hold or attend meetings try to shedule them for afternoons, as you will be more relaxed, after you have all the 'important' tasks completed.
# Handle all pieces of mail or documents only once where possible, or if it is something which doesn't need to be done right away - place it in your 1 - 31 day file.

6 – Learn How To Say No

In all honesty, there are times where you may not be able to refuse a project at work or a task at home, but try to not take on more than you can accomplish. If you must, look into using outside help. In your business or the workplace, this outside help can come from another company, someone you met at a networking event or look at doing a skills exchange may be able to provide a service in return for whatever.

Rather than trying to do it all yourself - sometimes all you have to do is ......ASK!

7 – Get Organized

Organization is key to being able to properly manage your time. If you are disorganized, you are likely to waste a large amount of time. For example, in your office space you can waste time by searching for lost or misplaced documents. The same can be said for the home; if you are unorganized, you can spend hours searching for phone numbers or contact details etc.

8 – Consider Hiring Professional Help

As previously stated, if you are overwhelmed at home, you may want to call on a professional housecleaner or gardener or use the Supestore home delivery services it doesn't matter what tricks you use to free up more time.

There is no one size fits all solution, just find and use systems that are right for you and it can make such a difference in how you get through the day.


Tuesday 21 April 2009

Lead, Follow or Get Out of The Way

'An ounce of determination is worth a ton of procrastination'

How true is that?

At one time if I had been invited onto Mastermind - my specialist subject may well have been 'Procrastination' but if you look at the header above you will notice that I didn't say get out of MY way but THE way because more often than not ....the only person in the way

25 years ago today, with a nod to Bob Proctor, I put myself back in the 'fast' lane. With Bob's words ringing in my ear "If most people tried to tell you what they were thinking.....they'd be speechless"

I thought ...... true! but that's not me! Well to cut a long story was me!

I really didn't know who I was or what I wanted to do so I became a 'searcher' and sought out a mentor who could give some direction to my personal development study trip.

The first bit and perhaps most valuable piece of advice I was give was to 'Decide what you want and write it down' (dont trust your memory)

So I began set myself a set of goals (written)and have followed the principle that a few simple disciplines practiced every day = success.

Well I will tell you that working on your self requires daily disciplines: To read, think hard and meditate. This is how I start my days by: reading, meditating, and exercising......mind and body.

I set down a plan on paper.........I had a life plan, a health plan, a business plan and about 20 other miscellaneous plans.....a roadmap if you like, to achieve what it was that I wanted......not what everyone else thought I should have!

I took complete responsibility for the way in which the rest of my life would work it hasn't been easy and there have been times when it would have been much simpler to take a less demanding route but the rewards have been well worth the setbacks experienced.

I belive if you make the decision to discipline your self in personal and business development priority areas, you'll out perform anyone who doesn't.

Here is what I learn from a great mentor of mine!!

'You beat 50% of the people in life by working hard in all areas, you beat another 40% by doing what's right daily...... not perfect, but right and the last 10% is a dog fight!!!

In the next post I'll be giving you 12 ways to become the 'lead dog'


Director of Public Affairs
Translate Scotland
Public Relations & Marketing

Sunday 5 April 2009

Every now and again

Sometimes you read something and you feel the need to share it with your friends and colleagues.....well here's my thoughts for today. Words are important.

The six most important words are ... I admit I made a mistake

The five most important words are ... You did a good job

The four most important words are ... What is your opinion

The three most important words are ... If you want

The two most important words are ... Thank you

The most important word is ... WE

The least important word is ... I

It doesn't do any of any harm to remind ourselves of this often.

Have a great day

Working for our joint success


Director of Public Affairs
Translate Scotland
Public Relations & Marketing

Monday 30 March 2009

Relationship versus Transactional Marketing

Remembering the 'Prospects' Who Aren't (Yet) Ready to Buy

5 Steps to Converting "Almost" Customers into Buyers

Want to know a really good way to waste money on Marketing ? That's easy. Just ignore your prospects that aren't ready to buy yet. This is guaranteed to cost you 80% or more of your best opportunities in respect of relationship marketing.

And yet, some marketers do it all the time.

These companies spend all of their marketing budget on 'demand generation' - getting prospects to express some interest in their product or service, generally from a cute sales letter or sign up form - and then they toss them to the sales conversion team.

The problem is that most prospects - 80% or more - are not ready to talk to a sales person when they first contact a company. Research shows us that 90% of them will buy within the next 12 months. But most of them will end up buying from a different company for the simple reason that they were unknowingly ignored or simply pressured into making a purchase.

There are all kinds of reasons prospects aren't ready to buy when they first contact you.

Maybe they've just started looking.

Maybe they don't have the budget yet.

Maybe they're not convinced they have a problem.

Maybe they're going on holiday next month and don't want to get anything started before they leave.

Who knows? Regardless of the reason, you can't send them to your sales team, you don't want them to forget about you, and they probably need a little educating.

So, what do you do? The answer is actually pretty simple. Establish a sequence of relevant and informative communications.

Arrange to communicate with them regularly. Reach out and touch them often enough so they don't forget about you, but not so often that you annoy them.

For most of our clients, the simplest way to do this is via email. If you're wondering how that can possibly be effective given the dreadful state of email overload we're all experiencing, there are a few "rules" you should follow.

Interestingly, these rules apply to any form of communication - not just to email.

1. Your message must be relevant. If you've carefully defined your target audience, you know what interests them. Stick with it.

2. The information you send to them must be useful. Most likely, your prospects have a problem they're trying to solve - or at least to learn more about. They're turning to you for help. With each communication you can provide useful information. As your prospects learn about solving their problems, they're also learning more about you.

They're seeing value in the relationship with you.

3. No blatant or overt pressure selling. Your prospects aren't stupid. They know you have something to sell. But they're not ready to listen to a sales pitch. Here's an example.

About a month ago I subscribed to a newsletter published by a very well-known and highly regarded copy writer. To date, I haven't received a newsletter; but I've gotten 3 sales pitches from him or rather from his autoresponder. One more pitch and I'm going for the unsubscribe link.

4. Be consistent. It's generally best to establish some kind of pattern and stick to it. If you're going to send a weekly tip sheet; fine. Do it weekly. If it's a monthly newsletter, that's fine too. Daily? If that's what your prospects want, no problem. Your prospects will expect to hear from you on a regular basis. The rhythm is good. If you change your pattern too often, people (in general) for some reason get annoyed.

5. Include a call to action. Just because you can't turn this into a full-on sales pitch doesn't mean you shouldn't ask the reader to do something. You can tell them to call you; email you; download something else. What is the next reasonable step in the buying process? Lay it out for them.

In some businesses, letters or postcards or even phone calls may be more effective than email. The overall concept is still the same.

You have the prospect's contact information. Use it to do good things - both for the prospect and for you. Use it to build long term relationships.

Working for our joint success


Director of Public Affairs
Translate Scotland
Public Relations & Marketing

Friday 20 March 2009

When You Relax Your Marketing effort .....a strange thing happens !!!!

And the strange thing is........Nothing happens.......because if you stop, so does everything else.

It is important for us as entrepreneurs to develop the habit of thinking about marketing and sales results most of the time. Think about your customers most of the time. Think about the things that you could do, every single day, to make your products and services more attractive to more customers, more often.

Time versus Value

It is said that 'we get paid for bringing value to the marketplace, but that it takes time to bring value (sometimes inordinate amounts of time) but it is important for all of us to remember that we don't get paid for the TIME but rather for the VALUE (in economics speak).....we put into the time.'

So, that said, now is the time to become a "smart" entrepreneur about your business by doing more, adding more value not less. What I mean by "doing more" is by simply increasing your sales and marketing efforts.

Instead of pulling back as many entrepreneurs are currently doing, beat off your competitors by finding new ways to stay visible.

An economic slowdown can be a problem for your business only if you allow it to be. Or, it can be an opportunity to gain new clients and boost your sales if you know and have mastered the marketing and sales methods that work best during these times.

Right now, many successful entrepreneurs are rubbing their hands together in eager anticipation of new opportunities because they know that many of their competitors are pulling back. With less competition, it makes it easy and sensible for them as 'value providers' to go after and win that business.

Today's customers are looking for measurable quality in the products and services they buy. Today's customers buy differently, so today's marketers and salespeople must sell and market differently.

Consider that, although people may be more cautious in spending money, they will always need services. The person they'll do business with will be the one who provides the best value and finds creative ways to let their existing customers and new prospects know they are there.

so it follows that .......

# If your business is a market sector leader ...... say so !

# If you offer products at higher quality and lower price ....... tell them !

# If your service is driven by customer satisfaction ....... prove it !

Here are 6 strategies to maintain and even increase your market visibilty and sales, no matter what's going on around you.

Follow Up.

I'm amazed to hear fellow entrepreneurs say they only follow up one or two times and sometimes never at all. People may not be ready today to buy from you but if they expressed interest, they'll probably be ready to buy in the next several months. They say it can take 7-10 or more touches to move the client/customer to making a buying decision. You want to come up with creative ways to stay in touch, so when they're ready to buy they'll remember you.

Reactivate dormant accounts.

Reaching out to past clients can make them customers for life. Let them know you're there for them and be generous by offering some ideas to help them in their business. One phone call can make a huge difference.

Think about it. When was the last time you called a client with some ideas for their business? When you go the extra mile and show them you're there to help them, they'll appreciate you and remember that when they're ready to do business.

Make special offers.

Offer a product or service at a special low fee for a limited time. Give catchy names to these special offers like : Celebrating the completion of Edinburgh Tram project sale, Close-out Sale, Scratch and Dent Sale, Half Price Sale, Coupon Sale, Free 30-Day Trial. You'll need to put a time limit on the offer to encourage people

to buy now and not later. Also, it helps to explain why you're having the sale, so they know you don't just drop prices whenever you feel like it.

Get creative.

Up sell to generate additional revenue. When a client purchases your product, you can offer other services at a nominal fee that will compliment the product they've just purchased. This is done in many places. For example, at many hotels they now charge you a 'facility fee' of £10.00 a day. And for that fee, they list a series of amenities you receive like: free gym use or car valet or free car hire for the day etc Although this is a small fee, with the volume of customers, this fee adds up and proves good value for both parties.

Most people......including me, just love the sound that FREE makes!

Add value to your existing service.

During times when your customers may be concerned about pricing, another way to win them over is offering the best value for their money. You can do this by enhancing your service with "extras." An extra might be faster delivery than your competitors, a larger selection, easier payment options, or a better guarantee.

Be positive.

I'm a big believer in staying positive. Now is the time to surround yourself with positive people, read books that make you feel good, listen to people who share their secrets for achieving success, take time to nurture yourself, and most of all believe in yourself and stay in action!

If you operate in competive markets then adopt this motto -

Live ....sleep and breath client/customer. You can bet most of your competition won't even try!


Monday 16 March 2009

A Marketing Tool That's Obvious, Overlooked and Cheap

Use the implementation of superior service as a thrifty and effective in-house marketing mechanism.

Marketing and cats appear to have one thing in common: There's more than one way to skin them both.

Marketing isn't just about creating a brand and advertising campaigns; it's about delivering value. So while many entrepreneurs are scrambling to attract new business, some have discovered one of the easiest (and least expensive) tools to keep their sales engines humming, holding on to current patrons through superb
'value added' customer service.

When you weight the cost of attracting new clients vs. the cost of keeping the ones you have, superior customer service will beat most any advertising campaign on (return on investment) ROI.

I have a number of colleagues who built their business on delivering exceptional customer service by using a business model that delivers the best service on all fronts.

'Real service is such a rare commodity out there - it can be a literal desert of mediocrity'.

Companies that offer a quality product and superior service will have very little competition. There's a whole population of potential consumers that want to spend money on service excellence. A service focused business, because of reputation, naturally, attracts a higher caliber of clients and customers who want to work with a company that is 100% focused on the delivery of excellence.

Step up to the front of the queue....... stand out from the crowd.........look at your competition and simply do it better, faster and more cost efficiently........ business development is a process that takes skill and a specific approach to make prospects feel comfortable. Package your services accordingly.

To keep your own successful service-based sales engine running smoothly, implement the following tips:

Rate your performance. Lots of companies claim to give superior service, but if you take an informal poll, most people from every demographic sector will tell you what they think is lacking or could be done better.

The first step toward fixing things is an honest evaluation of your performance across all interaction platforms in that you just......simply have to ask!

'If it isn't broke.....break it!'

Review and repair your processes. After you have a handle on what's wrong, put together appropriate solutions. Efficient processes, the right technology, proper business support and regular communication with your clients, customers, employees, contractors and vendors can help fix previous shortcomings.

Anticipate client need. It's not about you; it's all about your clients' and prospects' expectations. It's about relationship rather than transaction based marketing effort.

The winners in this economic downturn will test their service provision model and use the best 'vehicles' (technology, software, social networking platforms etc) to their benefit. They will intrinsically get that people do business with people and companies they like, companies that understand their unique needs.

Entrepreneurs (SME's) who take the time to thoroughly understand their clients and create environments in tune with clients' unique needs and expectations will flourish. Hard work + right choice + listening + open dialogue = success.

The answers (word of mouth marketing) you get will prove to be a great insight on customer-focused trends, and will be enough to (positively) change your approach to your business and how you deliver that service to the end user.

The person who asks the questions.....controls the conversation isn't that right?! so instigatation of direct communication between the person who purchases/uses the thing and the person who makes/supplies the thing will speed up your response and customer retention rates.

A mind-set that embraces commitment before success will give your clients and customers confidence that you have their best interests at heart.

Start profiting from a service-sensitive mentality. By adding superior client service to your marketing toolkit, you'll be positioned to beat the competition and boost your sales.


Sunday 15 March 2009

The Platform for Change

In order to address the current market demand for fast, effective communications the Translate Scotland Resource Centre for Entrepreneurs 'model' has been designed to help you deliver a fresh and focussed response approach to Public Relations, Marketing, Sales & Personal Development.

How?..... do we do it - by simply identifying and communicating your unique business sector benefit and defining your brand value, which will consistently position you to attract more customers and improve profitability.

Whatever direction you have in mind for the future of your business, we have the experience and creativity to deliver a tailored programme designed to exceed your expectations, increase your market visibilty, enhance your reputation and give your company a competitive edge to help you deliver your vision to a somewhat crowded marketplace.
Regardless of market sector, demographics, geographics, phsycographics or whatever other type of 'graphics' you want to add, without the power of the media your product or service will never reach its full commercial potential unless you apply the innovative value added principles behind Public Relations and Marketing.

A joint venture with Translate Scotland and our new Resource Centre for Entrepreneurs will make that happen ....we guarantee it !


We have access to a team of highly qualified experts with extensive consulting experience in all aspects of Business and Personal Development. We believe in doing the right thing before doing the thing right by following our proven business 'model'

Discovery: What business are you in......and are you sure?

It is our utmost priority to understand your business. We ensure that we are in synch with our clients’ precise vision. In this process, we identify strategic and research questions to be addressed later in the project. We use various mediums to collect information via both on-site visits with key members of the organization and through series of virtual communication.

Market Research: Who are your customers?

Market research is an integral part of our business process.
Market research validates and provides direction to exploit new opportunities.
Market research can uncover threats and opportunities in your marketplace.

· The size of the market
· Current Market Trends
· A competitive Analysis

Business Strategy: What do your customers consider value? .....Do you know?

We will help you define your business strategy and current 'positioning statement' (often referred to as your Unique Selling Proposition (USP).

We will provide you with a range of opportunities to define your core products and build you a unique marketing and public relations strategy to maintain sustainable competitive advantage. During this process, we will review your current business strategies including marketing, partnerships, human resources, and operational tactics to ensure they are effective.

The Business Plan

Based on the findings of the business strategy, we will work closely with you to determine the best way to position them in the business plan. Some of the topics involved in the plan will include:

Executive Summary: is an important portion of the business plan that will include: Mission, Vision, Management, Products and Services, Funding potential, Investor Benefits, Financial Summary, and Exit Plan.

Business Plan: will include Executive Summary, Company Description, Products and Services, Industry Analysis and Trends, Marketing Plan, Public Relations Plan, Technology Plan, Operation and Sales Plan, Sector Development, a comprehensive Financial Plan, supported by relevant and supplementary appendices.

If you are interested in finding out more about any of our services, please visit us at fill out the Contact Us form and we will get back to you in a 'heartbeat'

What have you got to lose?
