Friday 20 March 2009

When You Relax Your Marketing effort .....a strange thing happens !!!!

And the strange thing is........Nothing happens.......because if you stop, so does everything else.

It is important for us as entrepreneurs to develop the habit of thinking about marketing and sales results most of the time. Think about your customers most of the time. Think about the things that you could do, every single day, to make your products and services more attractive to more customers, more often.

Time versus Value

It is said that 'we get paid for bringing value to the marketplace, but that it takes time to bring value (sometimes inordinate amounts of time) but it is important for all of us to remember that we don't get paid for the TIME but rather for the VALUE (in economics speak).....we put into the time.'

So, that said, now is the time to become a "smart" entrepreneur about your business by doing more, adding more value not less. What I mean by "doing more" is by simply increasing your sales and marketing efforts.

Instead of pulling back as many entrepreneurs are currently doing, beat off your competitors by finding new ways to stay visible.

An economic slowdown can be a problem for your business only if you allow it to be. Or, it can be an opportunity to gain new clients and boost your sales if you know and have mastered the marketing and sales methods that work best during these times.

Right now, many successful entrepreneurs are rubbing their hands together in eager anticipation of new opportunities because they know that many of their competitors are pulling back. With less competition, it makes it easy and sensible for them as 'value providers' to go after and win that business.

Today's customers are looking for measurable quality in the products and services they buy. Today's customers buy differently, so today's marketers and salespeople must sell and market differently.

Consider that, although people may be more cautious in spending money, they will always need services. The person they'll do business with will be the one who provides the best value and finds creative ways to let their existing customers and new prospects know they are there.

so it follows that .......

# If your business is a market sector leader ...... say so !

# If you offer products at higher quality and lower price ....... tell them !

# If your service is driven by customer satisfaction ....... prove it !

Here are 6 strategies to maintain and even increase your market visibilty and sales, no matter what's going on around you.

Follow Up.

I'm amazed to hear fellow entrepreneurs say they only follow up one or two times and sometimes never at all. People may not be ready today to buy from you but if they expressed interest, they'll probably be ready to buy in the next several months. They say it can take 7-10 or more touches to move the client/customer to making a buying decision. You want to come up with creative ways to stay in touch, so when they're ready to buy they'll remember you.

Reactivate dormant accounts.

Reaching out to past clients can make them customers for life. Let them know you're there for them and be generous by offering some ideas to help them in their business. One phone call can make a huge difference.

Think about it. When was the last time you called a client with some ideas for their business? When you go the extra mile and show them you're there to help them, they'll appreciate you and remember that when they're ready to do business.

Make special offers.

Offer a product or service at a special low fee for a limited time. Give catchy names to these special offers like : Celebrating the completion of Edinburgh Tram project sale, Close-out Sale, Scratch and Dent Sale, Half Price Sale, Coupon Sale, Free 30-Day Trial. You'll need to put a time limit on the offer to encourage people

to buy now and not later. Also, it helps to explain why you're having the sale, so they know you don't just drop prices whenever you feel like it.

Get creative.

Up sell to generate additional revenue. When a client purchases your product, you can offer other services at a nominal fee that will compliment the product they've just purchased. This is done in many places. For example, at many hotels they now charge you a 'facility fee' of £10.00 a day. And for that fee, they list a series of amenities you receive like: free gym use or car valet or free car hire for the day etc Although this is a small fee, with the volume of customers, this fee adds up and proves good value for both parties.

Most people......including me, just love the sound that FREE makes!

Add value to your existing service.

During times when your customers may be concerned about pricing, another way to win them over is offering the best value for their money. You can do this by enhancing your service with "extras." An extra might be faster delivery than your competitors, a larger selection, easier payment options, or a better guarantee.

Be positive.

I'm a big believer in staying positive. Now is the time to surround yourself with positive people, read books that make you feel good, listen to people who share their secrets for achieving success, take time to nurture yourself, and most of all believe in yourself and stay in action!

If you operate in competive markets then adopt this motto -

Live ....sleep and breath client/customer. You can bet most of your competition won't even try!


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